So, I'm officially starting with my blog again ...
Saw the movie "Desperately seeking Susan" with Madonna today and I kind of enjoyed it. Loved the 80s style and ofc Madonna herself! That kind of trash-fashion is hot on right person. A lot of jewellery, big hair, red lips, spooky eyes. What else? Madonna rocked that time, it was her golden age!

Another thing I saw today, was that VERY big, and now, I'm not exaggerating, it was huge. Paris Vogue october issue! Just wanted to steal it from my friend, but what about the morality? I know it was their 90 anniversary, but that issue is really huuuge, and I have too buy it now! Gotta find it! I will hunt tomorrow for that issue, and I'm gonna have it! Really neeed it, there is so much inspiration in there, and lately, I have felt that I've lost all my inspiration. So it's a big must for me!
Jag har tidningen, bought it in Paris i september :) Och ja, tidningen väger typ 100kg, men är aah så underbar!